Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Abundant Gifts from the Earth


It is that time again, when our house becomes overrun with gifts from nature and loving generous families that surround us.

Yesterday, we spent a few hours at a local family farm plot gathering beans, petting ponies, feeding weeds to goats, and picking blueberries.

In the midst of picking the blueberries, you know how that goes right, one in your mouth, one for the bucket, one in your mouth one in the bucket; it struck me this is how we are meant to live out in the sunshine with family gathering food to be set aside for later.

Petting the ponies on the way to the field.

Taking a moment to share a weed with an attentive goat as we gather beans.

Working our way down the row, picking and making fun of one another, investigating interesting bugs and bleating at the goats.

Eating as we are harvesting, tasting the goodness that has been provided even as we labor.

What a great day! Can't wait until each and everyday can hold that kind of right peacefulness, even if it can't be everyday. Can't wait til it outweighs most others!