Monday, August 10, 2009


Okay, so here is a concept that is completely foreign to me, having a fruit tree and not harvesting the fruit! Because free food is good right? And free good food is even better! And free ripe figs?! Well!

Yesterday, while my family and I were driving, DH spied a fig tree completely covered in ripe figs. He insists the people who live there are not using their figs and that we should ask if we can have the figs.

Sidenote: I have to say I have a bold husband. He doesn't think twice about knocking on a stranger's door to ask for what they are not using. One of the most amazing things is that people almost always say yes!

We pull over and off goes DH to ask if he can pick the tree. Apparently the tree is no longer used, the woman's ex grandfather in law (hee) use to make fig preserves but now they don't use it at all! DH is welcome to come and pick all the figs he wants! YEAH! Free figs!

30 lbs of figs later, it is now up to me to figure out what to do with this new found bounty :)
I think I'll be canning some, but might also have enough to make some fig butter, YUM!